Art Cities of the Future: 21st-Century Avant-Gardes
Price AUD$89.95 Price CAD$79.95 Price £49.95 Price T79.95 Price USD$79.95
- Format: Hardback
- Size: 290 × 214 mm (11 3/8 × 8 3/8 in)
- Pages: 336 pp
- Illustrations: 579 illustrations
- ISBN: 9780714865362
"It's a clever person who can pinpoint the art world's geographical tours-de-force of the future and an even smarter one who pens a book on the subject. Such is the prescience behind Art Cities of the Future."—Vanity Fair on Art
"The book's approach to the contemporary avant-garde is brilliantly executed through unique analysis."—Aestethica
"For cutting-edge contemporary art, we'll always have Paris. And London. And New York. But there are many other locales worth visiting for a weekend-long gallery hop. In Art Cities of the Future, curators in a dozen locations spotlight up-and-coming artists who are central to the thriving local art scenes. Seoul just might be the next SoHo."—The Wall Street Journal
"What makes a city a hub for art? Curators, collectors, and dealers have tried for years to predict the cultural capitals of the future - cities that could challenge the dominance of centers like New York, London, and Berlin. Art Cities of the Future claims that Beirut, Bogotá, and the Romanian city of Cluj are among the 12 global cities to watch for exciting contemporary art. For now, New York and London can probably rest easy, but the editors at Phaidon have helped flame the debate about where the art world spotlight might shift in years to come."—The New York Times
"Here are the 12 cities that will shake up the art world in the 21st century."—Huffington Post
"A whirlwind artistic tour through modern avant-garde cities."—Chicago Tribune